  • Aug2021 - Current
    Carelon Global Solutions
    Senior Software Engineer

    Enterprise AI search which connects to various source systems and internal knowledge base to provide search with better accuracy and relevancy.

    • Built new indexing and search system from scratch which connects to various source systems including newly adopted CMS and stores vectorized documents in Elasticsearch.
    • Used SBERT and advanced NLP models for text embedding, text classification, spell check and other NLP tasks.
    • Optimized code of indexing and searching using concurrency and multi-threading concepts which reduced the latency of the AI search API by 30-40% and indexing jobs by 50%.
    • Increased the overall search relevancy and accuracy by 40% by following recommended strategies and fine tuning data which helped the users find accurate information in search results.
  • Nov2019 - Aug2021
    Carelon Global Solutions
    Software Engineer

    Analytics dashboard for chatbot to display various statistical data and KPI metrics with visualizations.

    • Being a solo developer in the team, created the dashboard for chatbot from scratch using Vue.js and Express.js.
    • Written several optimized MongoDB aggregations for fetching data on millions of records for better performance.
    • Created Jupyter notebooks using Pandas & Numpy for better analysis and measuring the efficiency of chatbot.

    Chatbot developed for intranet portals built on IBM Watson which uses NLU to provide better experience for associates.

    • Responsible in full stack development of the application using Angular, and Node.js.
    • Created several RESTful API s which talks to multiple backends and integrated with many enterprise applications like Peoplesoft, Ariba, Workday, Skillsoft, etc.
  • May2017 - Nov2019
    Associate Software Engineer

    E-Commerce telecom application where users can browse the products, plans, do cart operations, place orders etc.

    • Responsible in refactoring the monolithic application to microservices with best practices.
    • Created RESTful API s from scratch in Spring Boot and Spring Cloud.
    • Integrated with cloud services like Firebase and AWS SNS for URL shortening and sending SMS.